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This is WHY you should take on the challenge and move abroad!

I moved from Niagara Falls, Canada, to a small Dutch town called Nijmegen about six months ago.

Here is myself, along with other students, all holding our host country flags as we prepare to leave our exchange semesters.

For some background information about me, this was my first time moving away from home; actually, this was my first time moving out in general. It was a huge adjustment going from the childhood bedroom I grew up in, which was the only thing that felt normal to me, to packing two large suitcases with everything I love and getting on a plane to live in a new, unfamiliar city.

It was hard, but the best decision of my life. 

This was me the week before I left, packing for the big move. It was overwhelming and starting to feel very real. I was very anxious here.

Since elementary school, I've always wanted to do two things. First, I wanted to travel, and second, I wanted to study abroad. These were my dreams that I was able to bring to life in the past six months. I have made my inner child so happy because, finally, after three years of planning, I did it. I moved away from home, travelled to many different European countries, made new friends worldwide, reconnected with my European roots, overcame my fear of solo travelling, and created memories that would last a lifetime. 

It might sound cheesy, and I don't expect you to understand what it feels like, but the feeling of moving away from home is freeing and healing. You'll become your happiest version of yourself but may also have some of your most challenging moments abroad. Doing an exchange semester has been the best thing I have ever done. It has changed me so much for the better. Who would have thought that a country like the Netherlands would impact me so much? I don't even know where to begin with all the benefits that my Netherlands exchange has brought into my life, and now that I'm near the end of my exchange semester and about to move back home to Canada in a couple of weeks, I thought I would put a list together on reasons why you should take on the challenge and move abroad too!

Here I am, sitting on a train with my travelling fox, Peter!

  1. YOU will gain confidence. 

Since moving abroad, I've become more confident with many things, such as navigating new countries and public transportation, talking to strangers with a language barrier, being satisfied and trusting my skills and gut instinct, meeting new people, and so much more. I've come so far out of my comfort zone that the idea of being social doesn't drain me anymore since I've moved abroad. Even though, at heart, I am an introvert, moving abroad has helped me gain confidence in not being afraid to be social, to try new things, to take on challenges, and to say yes more instead of no. 

2.  YOU become immersed in a new culture. 

I have learned so much about Dutch culture that I would have never learned if I never moved here. The Netherlands is a beautiful country. It is so different from North American culture, and although some differences come with difficulties, I have learned to accept them and grow to love them. I will always have Canadian culture to feel at home with, but feeling at home in a new culture is amazing. The Netherlands is now home, too, just like Canada. Although I am not fluent in Dutch, I have learned a bit of the language and understand everything from their public transport system, the food culture, the bike culture, and how other Dutch people interact. The Netherlands will always be my home away from home, and I will always feel at peace and ease here.

Here are some photos from "Dutch Night" that my Dutch roommates planned for all the international roommates!!

And of course, I can't forget the Dutch colour orange on Kings Day!!!

3. The Opportunity to Travel. 

Whether you move abroad to Europe or a different part of the world, you can always maximize your time in a new country by travelling to neighbouring countries. In Europe, this is very easy since there are so many countries close to each other, and compared to North America, travelling is much cheaper in Europe! Since being in the Netherlands, I've travelled to 12 countries and have seen multiple cities in each country. I've not only become immersed in Dutch culture, but I've also got to experience so many different cultures. I've been to places I never thought possible; I've eaten the most amazing food and seen some of Europe's more beautiful architecture. Travelling has become a passion of mine, and I am so blessed that my Netherlands exchange has allowed me to feel like a real-life explorer!  

Here are some photos of me in Portugal, France, Spain & Denmark!!!

(I've been to many countries in the past six months; stay tuned for more posts about my travel advantages!!)


4. YOU will make New Friends and share special bonds with other International Students.

This reason is more for the students that move abroad for school; however, when you move abroad, there will always be the opportunity to meet new people, whether they are locals in the new country you've moved to or other international students. Since I moved to the Netherlands, I've been blessed with creating friendships with some of the most amazing people. I've made some Dutch friends and friends from all over Europe. There is something so special about meeting other international students because even though you don't know this person, you share something many people can't relate to. You've both done something hard by leaving home temporarily, and that's something to bond over. I've noticed that meeting and getting along with other internationals is often easy because they are very open-minded and have the "we have nothing to lose" mentality.

This is a photo from when I had a sleepover with some of my roommates, Rik, Izzy, Sandra, and Lucy.

These are some of my friends that I spent a lot of my exchange semester with: Christian, Darija and Hannah.

 A video my good friend Izzy made shows just some of the fantastic people I was blessed to meet on my exchange.

Beach day with Olivia, Darija, and Robert!!!!

5. YOU will become Independent.

I can't explain to you how true this is. My independence has grown so much that I sometimes forget that I can ask for help if needed or that I have a loving family at home who would love to step in and help me if I ask for anything. Since moving to the Netherlands, I've had to learn that the only person you can fully trust and rely on is yourself; there will be a period when you first move to a new country where you don't have anyone in your inner circle, and it might take time for you to meet people you can rely on. I had to manage being alone for the first few months and remember being that I was the boss.

Your mom will not be with you to hold your hand in a new country.

You will have to learn and manage to be on your own.

This can be stressful and hard at times, but in the end, it will only make you grow stronger. Taylor Swift's song "You're On Your Own Kid" is a perfect example of what it feels like to be in this situation.


6. YOU will take on a CHALLENGE that most people are AFRAID to do!  

This last reason is a little dramatic but true. Will moving abroad be hard? 100 percent. Will it be worth it? 1000 percent. A family member told me before I left to move overseas that more people would do it if it were so easy. This really stuck with me because it's true. Why wouldn't more people leave their homes and experience new places if it were so easy? It's a simple answer; it's because it's fuckin hard. And if this blog post should teach you anything, it should teach you that moving abroad has many benefits and sacrifices. It's hard to say goodbye to your family; you might get homesick, you might hate it at first and want to leave, you might cry in your new bedroom that doesn't feel like yours at all, and you might experience the worst culture shock and might even feel like an imposter at times.

All these things are natural, normal and real, and I know because I went through it all.

But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and I've found my light. I have no regrets about moving to the Netherlands, and I'm sad that my time is ending. All good things come to an end, but that doesn't mean that this journey is fully finished. As I said above, the Netherlands has become my home away from home, and I will always be drawn back and reconnect with this beautiful country. 

This was me a few days before my flight to the Netherlands with my friend Olivia. Saying bye to her was hard and emotional.

I received a card from my family the night before my flight; leaving home is hard, especially when you have so much love and support at home waiting for you.


Remember the term YOLO? Well, it’s pretty obvious, but life is really short. We only live once. Memories are the most precious thing we have as humans. Whether a young university graduate or retired after 30 years, it is never too late to get out there and live your life. 

To put it simply, moving abroad to the Netherlands has become the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I had the time of my life, and I'm really excited to see where my life takes me next... 

Nijmegen :)

......perhaps…. Australia? 


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