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Barcelona was one of the most visually appealing cities I've ever visited. In just one day, Izzy Christina and I managed to walk throughout the city, see some of its most iconic attractions, and admire Antoni Gaudí's beautiful architecture. In this post, I'll talk about my trip there in May of this year and share some of my favourite things we did there.

I mentioned in my last post that we only had one day in Barcelona to take it all in, and that's precisely what we did. Honestly, I'm proud of us for seeing as much as we did in one day and not wholly exhausting ourselves. Don't get me wrong; we were tired after walking all day in the mild heat, but we did it all at our own pace and made the best of our day.

To start the day, we first saw the Sagrada Familia, a stunning basilica designed by the renowned architect Antoni Gaudí. Seeing the Basilica in person was one of those "is this even real life" moments because it's THAT breathtaking.

(A little fun fact I learned from my trip to Barcelona is that the Sagrada Familia's construction began in 1882 and continues to this day, making it one of the longest-running architectural projects in history..... mind = blown.)

I felt super lucky to see the Basilica in person because it's so iconic and just genuinely really cool to see. I've seen some of Europe's most impressive structures this past year, but the Sagrada Familia (and arguably the Cologne Cathedral) are among the most remarkable and poignant.

Sagrada Familia <3 (you can see the crane in the back where the construction is still being done)

Another angle because why not :)

(This photo isn't part of the Sagrada Familia but is part of Casa Batillo, another historically significant building in Barcelona, again designed by Antoni Gaudí. We strolled by this building while walking the streets, and it quickly took our breath away, so I thought I would add it in as well! )

My one regret I have with the Sagrada Familia was not going inside. This was actually on our list of things to do in Barcelona, but unfortunately, when we tried to buy tickets, they were sold out, even when I checked days in advance. I still hoped that when we went in person, they would sell tickets at the door, but there were no ticket booths; the only way to buy tickets was online. I have seen TikToks showing what the Basilica looks like on the inside, and it's fair to say it's pretty amazing, so I recommend seeing the inside and buying the tickets well in advance. Also, I've seen on TikTok that you should try to book a time slot when the sun sets. The setting sun rays light up the inside, and it looks so beautiful. It's too bad I didn't experience this in person, but it gives me a reason to return.

Throughout the rest of the day, we strolled around the streets of Barcelona, immersing ourselves in the city and its culture. La Rambla, a lively, tree-lined boulevard at the heart of Barcelona, was one of my favourite spots. Its vibrant atmosphere is rich with cultural offerings, bustling shops, cafes, street performers, and historic landmarks. It includes the incredible Mercat de la Boqueria food market, which offers a glimpse into Catalonia and Mediterranean culinary traditions. I cherished La Rambla for its cultural vibrancy, something quite different from home.

A clip from La Rambla's!

Another favourite moment from my trip was exploring the Gothic Quarter or Barri Gòtic. The Gothic Quarter is the historic core of Barcelona and was a seamless blend of the city's ancient past and vibrant present. Its narrow streets, hidden squares, and medieval buildings were genuinely captivating. The Barcelona Cathedral, showcasing stunning Gothic architecture, was a highlight within the quarter.

Street of the Gothic Quater <3

The Barcelona Cathedral <3

During our walk within the quarter, we passed other iconic landmarks such as the Mural del Beso and Plaça Reial. The mural was a cute picture spot, and I loved its message. Plaça Reial was a little town square alive with culture, surrounded by palm trees and cafes. This was another picturesque place dotted with boutiques that captured the attention of Christina, Izzy, and me. I've heard this square is lively at night, and I would have loved to have seen it at night, but we left before that. Overall, I thought the Gothic quarter was beautiful and worth the visit.

Mural del Beso <3333

Plaça Reial <3

My day trip to Barcelona was amazing overall, despite a few mishaps, like a child puking and narrowly missing Izzy and me. Not a fun experience, but a drink quickly lifted our spirits! Anyways...I hope to visit Barcelona again, maybe with family or another girl's trip with Izzy and Christina one day. Even though we missed out on seeing other famous attractions like La Barceloneta, the renowned beach, and Parc Güell, known for more of Gaudi's architecture, I was satisfied with how much we managed to see in just one day. Plus, I cherished the company of the people I shared my first Spanish trip with. <3

Love you, Barca bitches ;)

My postcard from Barcelona


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